Monday, March 26, 2007

Entertainment sells.

The world is a huge market, and entertainment is something in demand. Philanthropists crave for perfection in human behavior, an unrealistic dream, of an all-happy world! Pals, somebody's gain is someone's loss, thats all markets are about. When it comes to markets , ethics has to be sidelined taking to the front all the sellables- terrorism , sexual abuses, scams, scandals, murders, mystery, undeserving eulogized cricketers... blah blah... Everything , having an interesting interface/packing could be sold, regardless of matters inside the packet. Really? well.. don't you see.. o k, ever heard of Shaukat Khan, Ghulam Nabi Wani or Nasir Ahmed Deka? I am sure that the length and colour of Dhoni's hair or the news of Aishwarya's sneeze is better known than them. It would not come as a wonder if you guess the names to be that of some terrorists. Who cares? Who cares if the were kidnapped and murdered and pronounced terrorists? Its not my problem, not at all mine untill I face it! And when i face it, and that's nobody's problem , I'm outraged- what a damn bad world! How come somebody's tragedy is nobody's problem? Well Well.. buddy, you just forgot the rules of the market, its not sellable ; so, nobody cares. Had you been hit by some drunken superstar's imported car, it would have been a matter of national interest, but please, not this!
A mediocre actress's wedding is an occasion of national celebration, and of course , is more important a news than hundreds dying of silicosis; updates of somebody's engagement shopping are more important than updates of Tsunami rehabilitation(I hope the word sounds familiar.. doesn't it? not your problem, its old news.) ;A cricketer's ankle strain is more important for nation than poor farmers committing suicide. The question remains. Who cares?It doesnt Entertain!

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Savyasachi said...
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